"Previously, we'd been referring to this effort as Homeworld HD but as work progressed it became clear that title didn't properly communicate the scope of the work. They explain, with typical Gearbox enthusiasm, Gearbox are looking to fix that, releasing not just the remastered versions of both Homeworld and Homeworld 2, but also their original versions alongside them. And yet, likely due to a muddy of licensing, they're not available to buy from places like GOG or Steam. The Homeworld games are held in a particular reverence with fans, and are unquestionably responsible for an awful lot of successful Kickstarters for promising to simply be like the series. They're upping their terminology now, from "HD" to " Remastered". Having plucked the license from the THQ jumble sale, apparently because their Chief Creative Officer Brian Martel has maximum love for the series, they made clear their intentions to release an HD version of the first two games.

We learned last year that Gearbox were planning to re-release the enormously loved Homeworld games.